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Current and Past Vatican Film Library Mellon Fellows


  • John Burden (University of New Haven)
    "Gratian's Library: The Earliest Manuscripts and Sources of the Decretum"
    July 1-31, 2022
  • Derek Taylor (West Virginia State University)
    "Scotland First, Rome Second: The Life and Career of Papal Emissary George Conn"
    July 17-30, 2022
  • Jay Harrison (Hood College)
    "Understanding Leadership for Spanish Catholic Missionary Orders in the Colonial Mexican North"
    November 7-18, 2022
  • George Clay (Georgetown University)
    "Jesuits, Slavery, and Emotional Politics in Cartagena de Indias, 1620-1650"
    January 9-March 3, 2023


  • Jason Dyck (University of Western Ontario)
    "Jesuit-Indigenous Encounters in Northwestern Mexico: Juan de Albizuri’s Historia de las misiones apostólicas (1633)"
    March 13-April 10, 2022
  • Tucker Million (The Hammond School)
    "Worthy Lords and Honorable Violence: Chivalric Kingship in Angevin Naples"
    June 13-24, 2022
  • Gero Dolezalek (University of Aberdeen)
    "Revision of Materials for a Third Volume of the Catalogue of Canon and Roman Law Manuscripts in the Vatican Library"
    June 9-July 30, 2022


  • Yanchen Liu (Columbia University)
    "Investigating the Margins in the Decretales of Pope Gregory IX (1234): Bernard of Parma's Glossa ordinaria on Religious Marginality"
    July 1-August 9, 2019
  • Brian Forman (Northwestern University)
    "Weather, Disease, and Religion in the Late Medieval Midi"
    August 12-16, 2019


  • Brent Purkaple (University of Oklahoma)
    "Transcription of a New Manuscript of Ockham's Brevis summa libri Physicorum"
    July 16-20, 2018
  • Blake Hartung (Kendrick-Glennon Seminary)
    "The Collection and Transmission of Late Antique Liturgical Poetry: Ephrem, Romanos, and Yannai"
    August 6-20, 2018
  • Beth Petitjean (Saint Louis University)
    "Sickness in the Congo: Illness Narratives of Capuchin Friars on Mission in Africa"
    June 3-July 26, 2019


  • Mark Lentz (Utah Valley University)
    “Teaching Bilingualism: Jesuit Educators and the Expansion of Yucatec Maya Literacy”
    July 20-August 19, 2017
  • Bradley Phillis (University of Tennessee-Knoxville)
    “Two Murders and a Coronation: Crusade, Crisis, and the Counts of Flanders, 1071-1204”
    October 2-13, 2017
  • Nava Streitler
    Bryn Mawr College
    "Bodies and Books: Gesture and Posture in Middle Byzantine Manuscripts"
    January 2-31, 2018
  • Seth Strickland
    Cornell University
    "Habits of Companionship: Piers Plowman, the Trivium, and 'Miscellaneous' Books"
    May 17-June 13, 2018
  • Scott Lucas
    University of Arizona
    "Zaydi Islam in Medieval Yemen"
    June 25-29, 2018
  • Jonathan Newman
    Missouri State University
    "Rhetorical Culture and Literary Authority among the Bolognese Dictatores"
    July 21-August 5, 2018


  • Philip Michael Forness (Princeton Theological Society)
    "Cultural Transformations of an Apostle: Thomas Traditions from Syria to Ethiopia"
    July 20-August 3, 2016
  • Bradford Bouley (Pennsylvania State University)
    “Not by Bread Alone: Meat, Murder, and Warfare in Early Modern Italy”
    August 7-14, 2016
  • John Ott (Portland State University)
    “Texts and Church Reform: The Eleventh-Century Manuscripts of the Provosts of Reims”
    September 6-17, 2016
  • Kyle Conrau-Lewis (Yale University)
    “Valerius Maximus: Greco-Roman history for Christian preachers”
    March 13-17, 2017
  • Jessica Walker (Loyola University Maryland)
    “Absolving England: The International Impact of Papal Reconciliation in the Reign of Mary Tudor”
    June 5-July 28, 2017
  • Jennifer Stiles (University of Akron)
    "Finding God in the Devil’s City: Lay Piety in Verona 1215-1278"
    June 5-June 19, 2017


  • Jeffrey Levenberg (Skidmore College)
    "Gesualdo among the Jesuits: Secular Music and the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities in the Collegium Romanum"
    June 8-July 8, 2015
  • Magda Hayton (McGill University, Centre for Research on Religion)
    "Early Dissemination of the Frate Raynerius Prophecies: The Evidence of the Vatican Manuscripts"
    August 10-24, 2015
  • Carlos Hugo Zayas-Gonzalez (Central Michigan University)
    "The Jesuit Teaching of Natural Philosophy in New Spain"
    January 18-March 11, 2016
  • Amanda Gerber (Eastern New Mexico University)
    "Ancient Literature as Science in Chaucer's England"
    February 15-March 24, 2016


  • Christopher Gillett (Brown University)
    "Catholicism and the Making of Revolutionary Ideology in the British Atlantic, 1630-73”
    August 7-September 23, 2014
  • Danila Maslov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
    "The Principle of Non-Contradiction in the 13th- early 14th Century Question-Commentaries to Aristotle's Metaphysics"
    January 5-30, 2015
  • Jeffrey Witt (Loyola University, Maryland)
    "Robert Holcot: A Great Medieval Thinker"
    January 12-23, 2015
  • Stephanie Mawson (University of Cambridge)
    "Indigenous Histories of Empire in the Philippines during the 17th Century"
    April 1-30, 2015


  • Michael Jean (Ohio State University)
    "Pomponio Leto: A Study and Critical Edition of his Glosses on Ovid's Fasti"
    August 5-16, 2013
  • Atria Larson (Independent Scholar)
    "Law, Power, and Jurisdiction in the Papal Monarchy: The Development of Canon Law and the Medieval Papacy"
    September 9-December 13, 2013
  • Geoffrey Martin (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
    "Mozarab Readers of the Bible, 9th-12th Centuries"
    January 13-27, 2014


  • Winston Black (University of Tennessee)
    "William of Auvergne and the Teaching of Penance: Vatican Manuscripts"
    October 3–12, 2012
  • Brian Long (University of Notre Dame)
    "Towards the Cultural History of Twelfth-Century Translation"
    March 6–29, 2013
  • Ronald Binzley (Madison College)
    "Ganganelli’s Disaffected Children: The Suppressed English Jesuit Province and the Shaping of American Catholicism, 1762–1817"
    May/June 2013
  • Caroline Wilky (University of Notre Dame)
    "Text as Creation: Universal History Writing in Thirteenth-Century France"
    June 2-28, 2013


  • Brian J. Matz (Carroll College)
    "Authority over History: Ratramnus of Corbie’s, Contra Graecorum opposite"
    July 1–21, 2011
  • Barbara D. Swanson (Case Western Reserve University)
    "Developments in Plainsong and Monody Relative to Girolamo Mei and Giovanni Guidetti"
    August 15–26, 2011
  • Thomas M. Izbicki (Rutgers University)
    "Works of Bartolus de Saxoferrato in the Vatican Library"
    September 26–October 7, 2011
  • Catherine Brown Tkacz (Gonzaga University)
    "Women as Types of Christ in Vatican Manuscripts"
    October 24–November 07, 2011
  • Joseph Wachtel (The Ohio State University)
    "Port Royal and the Impact of New France’s Missions upon France’s Jesuit Enterprise"
    November 07–November 25, 2011
  • Stefan Stantchev (Arizona State University)
    "Spiritual Rationality: Papal Embargo as Cultural Practice, ca. 1150–ca. 1520"
    December 04–December 23, 2011
  • Brandon Parlopiano (Catholic University of America)
    “Madmen and Lawyers: The Development of Practice of the Jurisprudence of Insanity in the Middle Ages”
    May 14–June 8, 2012


  • Jesse Torgerson (University of California, Berkeley)
    "Ninth-Century World Chronicles: Manuscripts and Historical Context"
    July 11–30, 2010
  • John Charles (Tulane University)
    "The Politics of Jesuit Penance (Peru, 1568–1668)"
    July 11–24, 2010
  • Frederik Vermote (University of British Columbia, Canada)
    "Local and Global Origins of Jesuit Finances, 1644–1739"
    August 1–27, 2010
  • Mary Dzon (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
    "Imagining the Christ Child in the Later Middle Ages"
    October 1–8, 2010
  • Leah Giamalva (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
    "Islam and the Theology of History in the Long Fourteenth Century, 1291–1460"
    October 4–16, 2010
  • Jessica Rae Shore (University of Texas, Austin)
    "Tension between Eucharistic Devotion and the Devotion to Patron Saints"
    November 1–22, 2010
  • Albertus G.A. Horsting (University of Notre Dame)
    "A New Edition of Prosper of Aquitaine's Poetical Synthesis of Augustinian Theology Accompanied by a Translation and Commentary"
    January 3–21, 2011
  • Dennis Looney (University of Pittsburgh)
    "Intellectual Ferrara and the Birth of Vernacular Humanism, 1429–1533"
    May 2–20, 2011
  • Mark Jones (Trinity Christian College)
    "Lambeth Palace MS 306: Hunting, Hawking, and Humors"
    June 1–14, 2011


  • Caroline Stark (Yale University)
    "The Conception of Man in Renaissance Anthropologies"
    July 5–August 14, 2009
  • Robert Green (University of California, Santa Barbara)
    "Missionaries and Demons in the Spanish Pacific World, 1568-1672"
    July 13–August 8, 2009
  • Elizabeth Mellon (University of Pennsylvania)
    "Medieval Reception and Manuscript Tradition of Boethius’s Sixth-Century Music Treatise De institutione musica"
    October 1–28, 2009
  • Bridget Pupillo (Johns Hopkins University)
    "Apocalyptic Elements in the Commedia and the Kitab al-Mi’raj"
    October 11–23, 2009
  • Henry T. Zepeda (University of Oklahoma)
    "The Medieval Latin Transmission of the Menelaus theorem"
    June 13–July 2, 2010


  • Sarah Smith (Indiana University, Bloomington)
    Research on William of Auvergne's Natural Philosophy in De universo and De legibus
    July 1–August 1, 2008
  • Lydia A. Schumacher (University of Edinburgh)
    "The Problem of Divine Illumination in Henry of Ghent"
    November 9–22, 2008
  • Justin Stover (Harvard University)
    "A Study of Plato's Reception in the Twelfth Century"
    May 4–30, 2009
  • Emil Polak (Queensborough Community College, CUNY)
    "A Manuscript Census of the Medieval and Renaissance Letter Treatises and Form Letters Found in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana"
    June 1–26, 2009
  • Bradford Bouley (Stanford University)
    "Dissecting the Holy: Anatomy and Spirituality in Early Modern Italy"
    June 11–26, 2009


  • Andrea Livini (Universidad de Salamanca)
    "Carolingian Folklore in Rome: Some Philological Studies around the Christian Medieval Festivals"
    July 30–August 26, 2007
  • Robert Fredona (Cornell University)
    "Political Crime and Political Opposition in Trecento Jurisprudence"
    September 4–28, 2007
  • Elena Napolitano (University of Toronto)
    "Davanti agli Occhi: Urban Strategy and the Monumentalization of French Nationhood in Rome, 1660–1700"
    September 10–October 05, 2007
  • Daniel J. Sheerin (University of Notre Dame)
    Research on the Disticha Catonis
    November 11–December 6, 2007
  • James Matenaer (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
    "A Comparative Study of Scriptural Exegesis on the Gospel of Matthew"
    January 7–18, 2008
  • Frances Gage (Catholic University of America)
    "Visual Cures: Art and Medicine in the Age of Caravaggio"
    May 9–31, 2008
  • Jeffrey Glodzik (State University of New York, Buffalo)
    "Vergil and Vergilianism in High Renaissance Rome"
    May 18–30, 2008


  • Sonia Sabnis (University of California, Berkeley)
    "Apuleius' Metamorphoses among the Humanists"
    July 5–19, 2006
  • Andrew Irving (University of Notre Dame)
    "Gospel Books in Ritual in Eleventh-Century Montecassino"
    July 31–August 19, 2006
  • Grace Chan (University of Illinois)
    "Corpus apostolicum: Modes of Incarnation and Papal Patronage of Evangelical and Apocalyptic Spirituality in the Thirteenth-Century Religious Milieu"
    September 5–October 10, 2006
  • Jacqueline Pastis (La Salle University)
    Research on the Dialogue of Timothy and Aquila
    September 6–19, 2006
  • Jessie C. Sherwood (University of Toronto)
    "The Problem of Return: Coercion, Consent, and Baptism in Canon Law"
    October 1–November 15, 2006
  • Patrizia Carmassi (Kassel University)
    "Gallia nostra florescat: Ecclesiastical Traditions and Religious Life in Gaul in the Early Middle Ages"
    November 4–December 22, 2006
  • Frank Coulson (Ohio State University)
    "An Edition and Translation of Book Ten of the Vulgate Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses"
    December 1–15, 2006
  • Miguel de Asúa (Universidad de San Martín)
    "Science, Medicine and Natural History in Early Modern Paraguary and Río de la Plata"
    April 2–14, 2007
  • Elina Gertsman (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale)
    "Velatio-Revelatio: Gothic Art and the Discourse of Unveiling"
    May 22–30, 2007


  • Barnabas Hughes (California State University)
    "The Practical Geometry of Leonardo Pisano: A Critical Translation of De practica geometrie"
    June 29–July 14, 2005
  • Christian Kleinbub (Columbia University)
    "Vision and the Visionary in Raphael"
    July 2–16, 2005
  • Lorenzo DiTommaso (Concordia University, Canada)
    "The Mediaeval Apocalyptic Tradition"
    July 11–August 6, 2005
  • Scott Hendrix (University of Tennessee)
    "Albertus Magnus' Speculum astronomiae and its Readers"
    July 29–August 12, 2005
  • Melinda Gough (McMaster University)
    "Queen Henrietta Maria and Women's Performance at Court in Early Modern France and England"
    August 8–September 2, 2005
  • Frank Coulson (Ohio State University)
    "An Edition and Translation of Book Ten of the Vulgate Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses"
    October 1–15, 2005
  • Jorge Troisi-Melean (Emory University)
    "Jesuit's Policies on Slavery in Colonial Argentina"
    October 1–28, 2005
  • Douglas Hutchinson (University of Toronto)
    Research on the text of Aristotle's Ethics
    October 23–November 19, 2005
  • Jessica Roussanov (Northwestern University)
    "Centralizing Authority and the Problem of Witch Trials in the Later Middle Ages"
    October 31–November 6, 2005
  • Svetlana Kujumdzieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
    "Studying the Early Oktoechoi"
    December 10–January 22, 2006
  • Gregorio Rodriguez Herrera (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
    "The Metatext of Propertian Codices in the Vatican Library"
    February 19–March 11, 2006
  • Lucie Dolezalova (Central European University)
    "Creation and Reception of Biblical Memory Aids"
    May 28–June 25, 2006
  • Thomas Mayer (Augustana College)
    Research on Galileo's trial in the manuscripts of Desiderio Scaglia
    June 12–25, 2006


  • Paul Wojtalewicz (University of Florida)
    "Jesuits in Eighteenth-Century Chile: A Prosopography"
    August 9–27, 2004
  • Renzo Baldasso (Columbia University)
    "Teaching Visual Thinking at the Collegio Romano"
    September 18–25, 2004
  • Nadezhda Kavrus-Hoffmann (Independent Scholar, New York)
    "Greek Manuscripts in the Collections of the United States and the Vatican Library: Comparative Paleographic and Codicological Analysis"
    October 12–25, 2004
  • Galina Vdovina (Russian Academy of Sciences)
    "Intellect and Reality in the Second Scholastics"
    March 4–23, 2005
  • Mark Jones (Trinity Christian College)
    Research on the Lyve of sent Evstas (London, Lambeth Palace, MS 306)
    June 13–July 1, 2005


  • Charles F. Briggs (Georgia Southern University)
    "Aristotle, Academic Discourse, and Translation: The Reception and Uses of Moral Philosophy in the Later Middle Ages"
    June 24–July 10, 2003
  • Kristin Huffine (University of California, Berkeley)
    "Jesuit Ethnography and Guarani Response in the Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Paraguayan Missions"
    July 1–August 26, 2003
  • Mark Dupuy (Georgia State University)
    "Reformation and Religious Orders in Southern France and Italy, 1311–1414"
    July 1–August 20, 2003
  • Donald F. Jackson (University of Iowa)
    "Xenophon's Cyropaedia in the Vatican Library"
    July 8–11, 2003
  • Donald Prudlo (University of Virginia)
    "Life and Cult of Peter of Verona"
    August 4–29, 2003
  • Kevanne Kirkwood (University of Pennsylvania)
    "The Bobbio Orosius and the Earliest Medieval Manuscripts from Bobbio"
    August 4–22, 2003
  • Stephanie Seery (Claremont Graduate University)
    "Henrietta Maria, Religious Controversy and the Construction of a Rhetorical Figure, 1625–1669"
    October 1–22, 2003
  • Patrizia Carmassi (Herzog August Bibliothek)
    "Ecclesiastical Traditions in Gaul in the Early Middle Ages"
    January 2–February 28, 2004
  • James Borders (University of Michigan)
    "Consecratio virginis: Consecration of Nuns in the Middle Ages"
    January 5–11, 2004
  • Simone Brosig (University of Notre Dame)
    "Trinitarian Context of Eucharistic Devotion in Thirteenth-Century Liège"
    February 1–15, 2004
  • Paul Hartog (Baptist Theological Seminary)
    Research on the Manuscripts of Polycarp's Philippians
    March 11–13, 2004
  • Donald F. Jackson (University of Iowa)
    "1518 Inventory of Greek Manuscripts in the Vatican Library"
    April 12–14, 2004
  • Csaba Németh (Central European University)
    "Interpretations of the Primordial Cognition of God in the Early Sentence Commentaries"
    June 1–July 3, 2004
  • Paul Blum (Loyola College, Maryland)
    "Manuscript Sources of University Libraries by Benedictus Pererius"
    June 1–July 1, 2004
  • Mary Sirridge (Louisiana State University)
    "Augustine among the Aristotelians: Mind and Word in the Works of Robert Kilwardby and Thomas Aquinas"
    June 1–16, 2004
  • Daniel Kokin (Harvard University)
    "Perspectives on Hebraism in High Renaissance Rome"
    June 21–July 5, 2004
  • Oona T. Paredes (Arizona State University)
    "Religion and Raiding in North-East Mindanao"
    June 21–July 20, 2004


  • Mark Wagner (New York University)
    "Mysticism and Humor in Yemeni Vernacular Poetry"
    July 1–15, 2002
  • Anne M. Wolf (University of Minnesota)
    Research on the Spanish Theologian, Juan de Segovia (d. 1458)
    July 25–August 14, 2002
  • Donald F. Jackson (University of Iowa)
    "1518 Inventory of Greek Manuscripts in the Vatican Library"
    August 18–24, 2002
  • Albert Derolez (Free Universities of Brussels)
    "Book Scripts of the Later Middle Ages: A New Handbook"
    October 11–12, 2002
  • Jordi Sanchez Marti (Cornell University)
    "Scribe as Entrepreneur in Chetham's Library"
    October 11–12, 2002
  • Anja Inkeri Lehtinen (Universitat Helsinki)
    "Libraries and Readers in Medieval Finland"
    October 11–12, 2002
  • Mark L. Sosower (North Carolina State University)
    "Greek Manuscripts in 1518 Catalogue of the Vatican Library"
    December 6–12, 2002
  • Nancy van Deusen (Claremont Graduate University)
    "Medieval Sequence and its Manuscript Tradition: The Importance of Source Studies for Medieval Culture"
    December 27, 2002–January 22, 2003
  • Lius Fernando Restrepo (University of Arkansas)
    "Muisca Nature and the Limits of Western Epistemology according to the Annual Letters of the Jesuits of the New Kingdom of Granada"
    March 10–21, 2003
  • Jane Chance (Rice University)
    "Medieval Mythography: Italian Renaissance, 1350–1475"
    March 22–April 12, 2003
  • Robert Upchurch (University of North Texas)
    "Ælfric of Eynsham's Hagiography of Chaste Marriage: Contexts and Texts"
    May 5–26, 2003
  • Nathan D. Howard (University of Arkansas)
    "Christianity, Patronage, and Administration in Fourth-Century Cappadocia"
    May 19–June 20, 2003
  • Sonja Brentjes (Halle, East Germany)
    "Papers of Pietro della Valle and the Latin Translation of Abu l'Fida by Abraham Ecchellensis"
    June 1–13, 2003
  • Catherine A. Bilow (University of Toledo)
    "Canonical and Hagiographical Texts and their Influence"
    June 16–29, 2003


  • Nancy L. Turner (University of Wisconsin)
    "The Commentaries of Peter Aureol and Francis of Mayronis on the Sentences"
    July 10–31, 2001
  • Nadezhda Kavrus Hoffmann (Independent Scholar, New York)
    "Gregory Chioniades and the Union of the Churches"
    October 11–27, 2001
  • Alain Touwaide (Alcala, Spain)
    "Scientific Exchange between the Arabic World and Byzantium"
    October 1–27, 2001
  • Luigi Monga (Vanderbilt University)
    "Rome and the Sun King: An Annotated Edition of Documents Related to the Visit of Flavio Cardinal Chigi to Paris in 1664"
    May 20–June 5, 2002
  • Lorenzo DiTommaso (McMaster University)
    Research on Daniel literature and Lunarium
    May 20–June 10, 2002
  • Anthony Perron (University of Chicago)
    "Metropolitan Authority in the Canonistic Commentaries, 1140–1234"
    June 10–July 5, 2002


  • Thomas Mayer (Augustana College)
    "The First Volume of Cardinal Pole's Correspondence"
    July 13–26, 2000
  • Theo Kobusch (Ruhr-Universitat Bochum)
    "An Edition of Question 11 and 17 of the Second Book of the Commentary of the Sentences from Petrus Aureoli"
    October 1–30, 2000
  • Alexandre Coello de la Rosa (New York State University)
    "Constructing the Colonial Society in Imperial Spain, 1492–1581"
    November 11–December 30, 2000
  • Eric Constant (Michigan State University)
    "The Diary of Paris de Grassi and Apostolici regiminis"
    December 2–12, 2000
  • Stanislav Južnic (Slovenia)
    Research on Jesuits teaching physics between 1705–1773 in Ljubljana
    January 15–March 9, 2001
  • Donald F. Jackson (University of Iowa)
    "Collation of the Text of Xenophon's Cyropaedia in Vat. Ottob. gr. 363 and Urb. gr. 93"
    February 28–March 6, 2001
  • Sabine Hyland (St. Norbert College)
    Research on Memorias historiales del Perú (1644) by Fernando de Montesinos
    June 1–15, 2001
  • Mary Sirridge (Louisiana State University)
    "Radulphus Brito's Commentary on Aristotle's De anima"
    June 1–15, 2001
  • Stanislav Južnic (Slovenia)
    Research on vacuum science in the materials of the Fondo Curia, Archivum Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae
    June 1–22, 2001
  • David Vila (John Brown University)
    Research on Arabic Christian manuscripts found in the Vaticani arabici collection
    June 20–August 16, 2001


  • Harald Anderson (University of Toronto)
    "Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Statius"
    July 1–10, 1999
  • Thomas F. Mayer (Augustana College)
    "A Diet for Henry VIII: The Failure of Reginald Pole's 1537 Legation"
    October 1–15, 1999
  • Donald F. Jackson (University of Iowa)
    "Examination of Greek Manuscripts from the Barbaro Family of Venice in the Vatican Library"
    November 1–11, 1999
  • Andrey Pilgun (Moscow State Conservatory)
    "Medieval Views of the Cosmos and Celestial Objects"
    March 15–April 30, 2000
  • Joanne Pierce (College of the Holy Cross)
    "Medieval Rite for the Churching of Women after Childbirth"
    March 20–31, 2000
  • Andrey Pilgun (Moscow State Conservatory)
    Research on western medieval philosophy and science
    June 6–30, 2000
  • Joseph O. Palacio (University of the West Indies)
    "Jesuits in Belize in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century"
    June 18–30, 2000


  • Kathleen Comerford (Benedictine College)
    "Roman Education: The Fiesolan and Jesuit Connections"
    July 1–15, 1998
  • Donald F. Jackson (University of Iowa)
    Research on the manuscript library of Cardinal Niccolo Ridolfi
    July 10–31, 1998
  • Gregory G. Guzman (Bradley University)
    "Vincent of Beauvais and his Thirteenth-Century Encyclopedia in Cod. Ottob. lat. 150 and 192"
    July 9–18, 1998
  • Ceclia Gaposchkin (University of California, Berkeley)
    "Saint's Day Sermons on Saint Louis of France before 1350"
    July 18–31, 1998
  • Ted Fortier (Seattle University)
    "Documents Related to the Jesuit Mission among the Yaquis"
    July 23–30, 1998
  • Jeanette Rodriguez (Seattle University)
    "Documents Related to the Jesuit Mission among the Yaquis"
    July 23–30, 1998
  • Thomas F. Mayer (Augustana College)
    Research on Reginald Cardinal Pole in Paolo Giovio's Descriptio
    August 16–28, 1998
  • Damon L. Woods (University of California, Irvine)
    Research on the Jesuits in the Philippines: Sedeño, Sanchez, and Chirino
    September 1–15, 1998
  • Alison M. Stones (University of Pittsburgh)
    Research on illuminations in France and the Lancelot-Grail cycle
    September 1–21, 1998
  • Pamela S. Murray (University of Alabama, Birmingham)
    "The Biblioteca Ecuatoriana 'Aurelio Espinosa Polit' as a Resource on the Life and Times of Manuela Saenz"
    October 28–November 11, 1998
  • Charles J. Zabrowski (Gettysburg College)
    Research on the tragedies of Aeschylus in Barb. gr. 135, Vat. gr. 59 and Vat. gr. 912
    November 5–28, 1998
  • Andrey Pilgun (Moscow State Conservatory)
    "Idea of Universal Harmony in the Medieval World (Ninth–Fourteenth Centuries)"
    December 1–30, 1998
  • Andrey Pilgun (Moscow State Conservatory)
    Research on the Latin databases: Cetedoc, Patrologia Latina, Opera Omnia by Thomas Aquinas
    January 5–February 20, 1999
  • Vincent Corrigan (Bowling Green State University)
    "Music Office Services for St. James the Greater"
    May 23–June 10, 1999
  • Susan Deeds (Northern Arizona University)
    Research on Indians under Spanish rule in Nueva Vizcaya and late sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century Jesuit missions
    June 10–28, 1999


  • Stephen Schierling (Louisiana State University)
    Research on Sallust in the Vatican manuscripts
    July 1–15, 1997
  • David Neville (Washington University)
    "Reading Vernacular Literature in Middle High German"
    July 1–10, 1997
  • Barbara Beall (Brown University)
    Research on the Canon tables in the early fourth century and the nature of their function
    July 14–31, 1997
  • Louis I. Hamilton (Fordham University)
    "Power of Liturgy and Liturgies of Power in the Eleventh and Twelfth Century"
    August 1–31, 1997
  • Richard R. Warner (Merrill College)
    "An Ethnohistory of the Coras of Sierra del Nayar, 1600–1830"
    August 11–30, 1997
  • Donald F. Jackson (University of Iowa)
    "An Unpublished Inventory of the Library of Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici"
    August 23–30, 1997
  • John F. Crossen (Indiana University)
    "Writings of the Jesuits Francisco Javier Clavijero (1731–1787) and Andrés Cavo (1739–1803) in Mexico"
    January 6–28, 1998
  • Donald F. Jackson (University of Iowa)
    "1518 Inventory of Greek Manuscripts in the Vatican Library"
    April 6–12, 1998
  • Curt Niccum (University of Notre Dame)
    "The Ethiopic Version and Modern Text Criticism of the New Testament"
    May 10–22, 1998


  • Rachel Sarah O'Toole (University of North Carolina)
    Research on African-Andeans in colonial Bolivia
    July 1–29, 1996
  • Glen Thompson (Michigan Lutheran Seminary)
    "Edition of Fourth-Century Papal Correspondence, Specifically that of Julius, Liberius and Damasus"
    July 15–21, 1996
  • Vicki Hamblin (Western Washington University)
    "The Relationship of the Mistère du siège d'Orléans to other Manuscripts in the Regina Christina Collection"
    July 15–June 8, 1996
  • Agneta Sylwan (Goteborgs Universitet)
    "Examination of Manuscripts of Petrus Comestor’s Historia scholastica"
    August 1–30, 1996
  • Donald F. Jackson (University of Iowa)
    "Research on Vat. lat. 3951: The Greek Manuscript Inventory of 1533"
    August 6–10, 1996
  • Timonthy Kircher (Guilford College)
    Research on fourteenth-century Italian religious writings
    October 5–20, 1996
  • Darleen Pryds (Newberry Library)
    "Liturgy of Power in Late Medieval Europe: Robert d'Anjou and the Politics of Preaching"
    January 3–February 19, 1997
  • Andrey Pilgun (Moscow State Conservatory)
    "Western Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Illuminations"
    January, February, April 1997
  • Juris Lidaka (West Virginia State University)
    "What People Thought about Human Conception in the Late Middle Ages"
    February 1–15, 1997
  • Steven J. Livesey (University of Oklahoma)
    "Prosopographical Database of Medieval Commentators on Aristotle and Lombard's Sentences"
    March 1–19, 1997
  • Susan L'Engle (New York University)
    "Early Gothic Illumination of Legal Manuscripts in Bologna"
    June 1–15, 1997


  • Alison Knowles Frazier (University of Texas, Austin)
    "Italian Humanists as Authors of Vitae sanctorum"
    August 1–31, 1995
  • Angela Fritsen (Episcopal School of Dallas)
    Research on the autograph Fasti christianae religionis (Vat. lat. 2853) by Ludovico Lazzarelli
    September 1–October 21, 1995
  • Barbara Ganson (Florida Atlantic University)
    "History of Women in the Social and Economic Life of Paraguary, 1537-1900"
    September 1–13, 1995
  • Joseph S. Freedman (Troy State University)
    "The Curriculum of Sixteenth-Seventeenth Century Schools and Universities in Central Europe"
    September 1–8, 1995
  • Stephen Schierling (Louisiana State University)
    Research on Vat. lat. 5345 and Vat. lat. 4200 on Mappaemundi in manuscripts of Sallust
    January 1–15, 1996
  • Evelyn Edson (Piedmont Virginia Community College)
    "Time on the Map: Medieval Ideas of Time and Space"
    February 21–March 10, 1996
  • Victoria Bruno (Cornell University)
    Research on the Barberini Gospels, Barb. lat. 570, and the connections to eighth- and early ninth-century Irish manuscripts
    March 2–22, 1996
  • Åge Rydstrøm Poulsen (University of Copenhagen)
    "From Lanfranc of Bec to Praepositinus of Cremona"
    March 10–31, 1996
  • Donald F. Jackson (University of Iowa)
    Research on the unpublished catalogues of the books of Cardinal Domenico Grimani in the Vatican Library
    April 13–20, 1996
  • Donald A. Cress (Northern Illinois University)
    Research on St. Thomas Aquinas' account of man's natural knowledge of God in medieval and Renaissance commentaries on the Summa theologiae
    May 15–30, 1996
  • Anna Grotans (Ohio Sate University)
    "The St. Gall School and Scriptorium, 950-1050"
    May 18–29, 1996
  • Thomas F. Mayer (Augustana College)
    "Transcription of the English Version of Reginald Cardinal Pole's Discorso di pace"
    May 5–28, 1996
  • Daniel J. Nodes (Conception Seminary College)
    "An Edition and Translation of Commentarium ad mentem Platonis by Giles of Viterbo"
    June 1–July 25, 1996
  • Mark L. Sosower (North Carolina State University)
    "Identification of the Greek Manuscript Listed in the 1518 Catalogue of the Vatican Library"
    June 1–9, 1996


  • Charlotte M. Gradie (Sacred Heart University)
    "Society of Jesus and the Tepehuan Revolt of 1616"
    July 1–15, 1994
  • Richard Newhauser (Trinity University)
    "Peter of Limoges' Tractatus moralis de oculo"
    October 1–28, 1994
  • William J. O'Neal (University of Toledo)
    "The Poems of Ludovico Lazzarelli in Codices Vaticani Urbinates latini 716 and 717"
    March 1–14, 1995
  • Neal R. Clemens (Columbia University)
    "The Cult of St. Mary Magdalen in Provence"
    June 1–21, 1995


  • Donald F. Jackson (University of Iowa)
    Research on Greek codices acquired by Janus Lascaris
    July 21–30, 1993
  • Setsuho Ikehata (Tokyo University)
    Research on the pre-colonial Philippine society called barangay
    September 1–30, 1993
  • John E. Law (University College of Swansea)
    "Lordships, or Signorie, of Late Medieval and Renaissance Italy"
    November 12–25, 1993
  • Lilla Wechsler (Washington University, St. Louis)
    Research on the legend of St. Christina in Latin and Hungarian medieval manuscripts
    February 9–28, 1994
  • Thomas W. Mackay (Brigham Young University)
    "A Manuscript Study in Colophons, Headers, and Source Indicators"
    March 1–7, 1994
  • Frank Coulson (Ohio State University)
    "Survey of the Relevant Ovid Manuscripts in the Vatican Library"
    April 13–30, 1994
  • Joseph F. O'Connor (Georgetown University)
    Research on Giannozzo Manetti's architectural writings
    May 5–28, 1994
  • Joseph S. Freedman (Illinois Wesleyan University)
    "Sources on Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century European Arts Masters"
    May 18–29, 1994
  • Alan R. Perreiah (University of Kentucky)
    Research on Paolo Veneto's Logica parva
    June 5–28, 1994


  • Gregory G. Guzman (Bradley University)
    "The Testimony of Medieval Dominicans Concerning Vincent of Beauvais"
    July 5–15, 1992
  • John C. Moore (Hofstra University)
    Research on the works of Pope Innocent III, De quadripartita specie nuptiarum liber and De sacro altaris mysterio libri sex
    March 14–30, 1993
  • Stephen Schierling (Louisiana State University)
    "Collation of Bellum Iugurthinum and De coniuratione Catalinae of Sallustvus"
    June 1–30, 1993


  • Stephen Schierling (Louisiana State University)
    "Vatican Epitaph Manuscripts: The Textual Tradition of Sallust"
    July 1–30, 1991
  • Elizabeth Lowe (Fordham University)
    "The Genesis and Institutionalization of Thomism: The Authority of Aquinas in the Controversy between Hervaeus Natalis and Durandus of St. Pourcain"
    July 18–August 30, 1991
  • Joseph Dyer (University of Massachusetts, Boston)
    "Roman Liturgical Manuscripts in the Vatican Library"
    July 21–August 15, 1991
  • Vincent Daily (University of Massachusetts, Boston)
    Research on the manuscript Vat. lat. 11073
    July 29–August 12, 1991
  • Mark L. Sosower (North Carolina State University)
    "The Pilar Library and the Venetian Manuscript Trade in the Sixteenth Century"
    October 11–30, 1991
  • Nikola Baumgarten (Harvard University)
    "Research on the Ante-Bellum History of Saint Louis University"
    April 5–17, 1992
  • Martha Whittaker (University of California, Berkeley)
    Research on the press at the Jesuit Colegio de San Ildefonso, Mexico City
    April 23–May 16, 1992
  • Charles J. Zabrowski (Gettysburg College)
    Research on manuscripts of Aeschyius
    May 10–31, 1992
  • Thomas F. Mayer (Augustana College)
    "Marco Mantovea and the Paduan Religious Crisis of the Early Sixteenth Century"
    June 1–July 7, 1992
  • Gloria Allaire (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
    "Late Medieval Italian Prose Romances by Andrea da Barberino"
    June 11–July 30, 1992
  • Paul E. Szarmach (State University of New York, Binghamton)
    "An Edition of Alcuin's Treatise De ratione animae"
    June 5–18, 1992
  • Christine Gemignani (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale)
    Research on the early colonial period in the northern Andean region of South America
    June 12–29, 1992


  • James Boyce (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
    Research on liturgical manuscripts containing Gregorian chant to examine the rhymed offices
    July 15–29, 1990
  • Gregory G. Guzman (Bradley University)
    "Examine the Manuscripts, Ottob. lat. 766 and Regin. lat. 1037, Containing Vincent of Beauvais' Speculum historiale"
    July 22–30, 1990
  • Mary A. Hedberg (University of Minnesota)
    "Tarascans under Jesuit Rule: The Struggle for Indigenous Survival in Colonial Michoacán"
    August 24–September 13, 1990
  • Anthony J. Cárdenas (University of New Mexico)
    "Study of the Latin Manuscripts of the Book of Moamin"
    October 4–10, 1990
  • Mary Davlin (Rosary College)
    "Examination of the Illustrations of John's Gospel or Letters to Show God's Relationship with the Earth and People"
    October 2–13, 1990
  • Susan Rode (Concordia University, Canada)
    Research on representations of the human body in medieval biblical illuminations
    February 11–28, 1991
  • Daniel Nodes (Conception Seminary College)
    Research on the commentary of the Sentences by Aegidius de Viterbo in codex Vat. lat. 6325
    April 1–7, 1991
  • Thomas F. Mayer (Augustana College)
    "Two Major Texts Written by Reginald Cardinal Pole: De reformatione ecclesiae and De unitate"
    May 2–June 27, 1991
  • Jeffrey Coombs (Our Lady of the Lake University)
    "Scholastic Notions of Possibility in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries”
    June 2–16, 1991
  • Neil K. Moran (University of Toronto)
    "Legend of the True Cross in Art and Music of the Middle Ages"
    June 11–July 20, 1991
  • Peter Marshall (Amherst College)
    Research on early commentaries of Servius and Tiberius Claudius Donatus on Virgil
    June 2–17, 1991
  • Steven Williams (University of Northern Iowa)
    "The Medieval Latin Versions of the Secreta secretorum"
    June 10–16, 1991


  • James F. Sullivan (University of California, Los Angeles)
    "Transcription of the Apocalypsis of Amadeo da Silva"
    September 21–October 30, 1989
  • Wilma Fitzgerald (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies)
    "Inventory of Incipits of Sermons (Ninth-Eleventh Centuries) in the Codices Palatini latini"
    January 18–February 23, 1989
  • Stephen Schierling (Louisiana State University)"Vaticanus Latinus 3325 and the Text of Sallust's Catilinae coniuratio and Bellum Jugurthinum"
    March 1–30, 1990
  • Thomas Falmagne (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies)
    "Comparison of the Cistercian Patristic Manuscripts of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Century and the Cistercian Florilegia"
    April 16–30, 1990
  • Steven J. Livesey (University of Oklahoma)
    "Subalternate Sciences in Late Medieval Bolognese Commentaries on the Sentences"
    May 1–16, 1990
  • Kenneth Brown (Millikin University)
    "Garcilaso de la Vega's Neapolitan Circle of Friends and other Cultural Intertexts"
    May 21–June 5, 1990


  • Edda Samudio Aizpurúa (University of Andes)
    "Jesuit Haciendas of the College of San Francisco Javier, Merida, Venezuela"
    November 9–23, 1988
  • William J. O'Neal (University of Toledo)
    "The Second Vatican Mythographer in Vat. lat. 8743"
    November 16–27, 1988
  • Bernadine Barnes (University of Virginia)
    Research on a series of studies on Michelangelo's Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel
    December 1–15, 1988
  • Jesse Mann (University of Chicago)
    "Critical Edition of the Explanatio de tribus veritatibus fidei, in Cod. Vat. Pal. lat. 601"
    January 6–18, 1989
  • Carl P.E. Springer (Illinois State University)
    "The Manuscripts of Sedulius, fl. 425-450"
    May 5–19, 1989
  • Stanley Burgess (Southwest Missouri State University)
    "The Holy Spirit in the Medieval Roman Catholic Tradition"
    May 16–30, 1989
  • Shirley Adams (Southwest State University, Minnesota)
    "Gothic Manuscript Illuminations Influence on the Divine Comedy"
    June 6–18, 1989
  • Thomas F. Mayer (Augustana College)
    Research on Reginald Cardinal Pole's Epistolae ad Edwardum Regem and Ad Parliamentum Angliae in Vat. lat. 5256
    June 8–July 29, 1989
  • Harry Kelsey (Natural History Museum, Los Angeles)
    Research on Francis Drake in Ott. lat. 2512 and Urb. lat. 854
    June 10–28, 1989


  • Mary E. Reeve (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
    Research on Jesuit missionization (1638-1767 and 1869-1892) of Amazonian Ecuador and Northeast Peru
    July 9–August 12, 1987
  • John Milan Hanchin (California University of Pennsylvania)
    "Chaucer's Pardoner in Light of the Pastoral Epistles"
    October 20–31, 1987
  • Leonard A. Kennedy (University of St. Thomas)
    "Doctrine of the Immortality of the Human Soul in the Renaissance"
    November 15–December 15, 1987
  • Gregory G. Guzman (Bradley University)
    "Manuscripts of the Speculum historiale by the Thirteenth-Century Encyclopedist Vincent of Beauvais"
    December 6–19, 1987
  • Robert Hodgson, Jr. (Southeast Missouri University)
    "Inventory of Apocryphal New Testament Manuscripts in American Libraries"
    March 25–April 19, 1988
  • William J. O'Neal (University of Toledo)
    "A Critical Text of the Vatican Mythographers and the Libellus Contained in Vat. lat. Reg. 1290"
    March 16–30, 1988
  • Patricia Davis (University of Arizona)
    "Critical Edition of the Kalendarium of John Somer, MS Reg. lat. 155"
    March 16–30, 1988
  • Betty J. Davis (Arizona State University)
    "Storytellers in Marguerite de Navarre's Heptaméron"
    April 11–29, 1988
  • Stephen Schierling (Louisiana State University)
    "Ancient Romances in the Book of Acts"
    May 10–June 28, 1988
  • Harry Kelsey (Natural History Museum, Los Angeles)
    "Voyage of Ruy Lopez de Villalobos from New Spain to the Philippines, 1542-1546"
    May 15–June 12, 1988


  • Carl E. Quesnell (University of Iowa)
    Research on scholastic dramas of the Renaissance for attitude toward women in the works
    July 1–15, 1986
  • Mary Davlin (Rosary College)
    "Symbolic Figures of Women: Beatrice in the Comedia of Dante and and Lady Wisdom in Piers Plowman"
    July 12–31, 1986
  • William V. Porter (Northwestern University)
    "Seventeenth-Century Italian Chamber Cantatas: Manuscript Sources in the Vatican Barberini and Chigi Codices"
    August 22–September 15, 1986
  • Thomas M. Izbicki (Wichita State University)
    "Edition of Antonius de Cannario, Tractatus de potestate papae supra concilium generale, Vat. lat. 4184"
    September 5–October 29, 1986
  • David Block (Cornell University)
    "Jesuit Missionary Period in the Moxos Region of Bolivia during 1665-1767: Analyzing its Economic and Social Bases"
    April 16–30, 1987
  • Norman Zacour (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies)
    "Jews and Saracens in the Consilia of Oldradus de Ponte"
    April 21–28, 1987


  • John Dagenais (Northwestern University)
    Research on the Latin commentaries of works by Ovid and Boethius
    July 11–21, 1985
  • Gregory G. Guzman (Bradley University)
    "Trade, Travel, and Exploration in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia"
    July 14–31, 1985
  • Frederick Norris (Emmanuel School)
    "Commentary of Gregory Nazianzen's Theological orations"
    May 1–21, 1986
  • Stephen Schierling (Louisiana State University)
    "Vaticanus Graecus 2203 in the Manuscript Tradition of Thucydides"
    June 10–July 28, 1986
  • Thomas W. Mackay (Brigham Young University)
    "Collation of Manuscripts of Horace Satires I.6"
    June 5–13, 1986
  • Charles J. Zabrowski (Gettysburg College)
    Research on the Prometheus vinctus in Reg. gr. 92
    June 12–30, 1986


  • Thomas Kuehn (Clemson University)
    Research on Renaissance Florentine consilia investigating the treatment of illegitimate children
    July 10–25, 1984
  • Joseph F. Kelly (John Carroll University)
    Research on Hiberno-Latin exegetical texts of writers such as Sedulius Scottus and John Scotus Eriugena
    July 2–30, 1984
  • Mark Williams (Southwest Missouri University)
    "Prolegomena to a New Edition of Aristotle's Topica and Sophistici elenchi"
    July 10–25, 1984
  • Thomas G. Tolles (University of Missouri, Columbia)
    "The Somniale Danielis: Visions of an Early Latin Manuscript Tradition"
    August 15–September 22, 1984
  • Steven J. Livesey (University of Oklahoma)
    "Commentaries on Aristotle's Posterior analytics and Peter Lombard's Sentences: The Nature of Science"
    August 20–30, 1984
  • Ernest Burrus (Sacred Heart Church)
    "Adolph F. Bandelier's History of the Greater Southwest"
    September 6–23, 1984
  • Frank Coulson (Ohio State University)
    "A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Commentaries on the Metamorphoses of Ovid"
    December 2–22, 1984
  • Thomas M. Izbicki (Johns Hopkins University)
    "Papalist Polemics of the Fifteenth Century in the Vatican Library"
    January 4–February 21, 1985
  • Marcel Rooney, OSB (Conception Abbey)
    "The Theological Content of the Collects at the Eucharist in the Western Rites"
    February 1–28, 1985
  • Carolyn Valone (Trinity University)
    "Women as Patrons of Church Architecture in Rome in the Mid-Sixteenth Century"
    March 3–11, 1985
  • Thomas F. Mayer (Southwestern Missouri State University)
    "Critical Edition and Translation of Lodovico Beccadelli's Vita di Reginaldo Polo and Andras Dudith's Vita Reginaldi Poli"
    March 21–28, 1985
  • Steven J. Livesey (University of Oklahoma)
    "Prologues of the Nature of scientia and scientiae mediae in Sentence Commentaries"
    May 2–30, 1985
  • Stephen Schierling (Louisiana State University)
    Research on unicorn poems from Rossianus 1006 and 508
    June 1–July 20, 1985
  • John Van Dyk (Dordt College)
    "A Critical Edition of Richard Kilvington's Commentary on the Sentences"
    June 15–July 13, 1985


  • Wilma Fitzgerald (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies)
    "Investigating the Manner in which Popes are Presented in Various Manuscripts"
    July 1–21, 1983
  • Thomas M. Izbicki (Johns Hopkins University)
    "Papalist Polemics of the Fifteenth Century in the Vatican Library"
    September 14–October 31, 1983
  • Caroline Hibbard (University of Illinois, Urbana)
    "French Princess Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort of Charles I of England and Members of Her Court"
    February 10–28, 1984
  • Thomas F. Mayer (Southern Missouri State University)
    "The Early Stages of Reginald Pole's Opposition to Henry VIII"
    March 9–13, 1984
  • Robert Edwards (State University of New York, Buffalo)
    "An Edition of the Poems of Guido Guinizzelli"
    May 2–9, 1984
  • Stephen Schierling (Louisiana State University)
    "Three Twelfth-Century Vatican Recentiores of Sallust: The Beginning of a Reconstruction"
    June 11–August 8, 1984
  • Stephen F. Brown (Boston College)
    "Editing Ockham's Summa brevis physicorum"
    June 13–28, 1984
  • Diana Robin (University of New Mexico)
    "Survey of the Manuscripts of Francesco Filelfo in the Vatican Library"
    June 15–27, 1984


  • Stephen Schierling (Louisiana State University)
    "New Evidence for Diomedes in Two Passages of Sallust"
    July 1–28, 1982
  • Richard W. Clement (Illinois State University, Normal)
    "Manuscript Traditions of Pope Gregory's Regula pastoralis"
    July 11–24, 1982
  • Stephen F. Brown (Boston College)
    "Aristotle's Organon Viewed as a Treatise on the Trinity"
    May 14–31, 1983
  • Donald A. Cress (Northern Illinois University
    "The Object of Religious Belief according to St. Thomas Aquinas"
    June 1–21, 1983


  • Barnabas B. Hughes (California State University, Northridge)
    Research on the Latin translations of al-Kwarizmi's Liber algebre
    July 2–8, 1981
  • Gretel Chapman (Goucher College)
    "Liturgical and Hagiographical Evidence Concerning the Cult of Saints in the Mosan Area during the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries"
    October 1–30, 1981
  • Richard C. Taylor (Marquette University)
    "Critical Edition of the Latin text of the Liber de causis"
    November 1–30, 1981
  • Gerald McKevitt (University of Santa Clara)
    "Italian Jesuits of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries"
    December 10–21, 1981
  • John Mulryan (St. Bonaventure University)
    "Spenser and the Mythological Tradition"
    January 13–February 20, 1982
  • Germaine Warkentin (Victoria College)
    Research on vernacular lyrics, canzoniere, between 1300 and 1600
    January 14–February 7, 1982
  • Patricia Boehne (Eastern College)
    "Literary, Political and Ecclesiastical Manuscripts in Arabic and Latin in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries: Kingdom of Aragon"
    February 10–March 8, 1982
  • John Weakland (Ball State University)
    "Biography of Pope John XXII: Magic, Sorcery, and Witchcraft"
    June 5–23, 1982
  • John Van Dyk (Dordt College)
    Research on commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard
    June 12–22, 1982


  • Dauril Alden (University of Washington, Seattle)
    "The Economic Role of the Society of Jesus, 1542-1800, in the Jesuit Province of Brazil and Maranhao"
    July 14–28, 1980
  • Míceál Vaughan (University of Washington, Seattle)
    "The Liturgy and Literature of the Annunciation"
    October 1–21, 1980
  • Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe (Texas A&M University)
    "The English Manuscript Tradition of Aldhelm's Aenigmata"
    November 10–17, 1980
  • Eugene J. Crook (Florida State University)
    "Edition and Translation of Ranulph Higden's Speculum curatorum"
    December 1–January 21, 1980
  • Nicholas Cushner (Empire State College)
    "Analysis of Activities of the Jesuits in Argentina and Rio de la Plata"
    January 13–30, 1981
  • Alma C. Browne (Wilfrid Laurier University)
    Research on medieval letter notations in the works of medieval music theorists
    April 24–May 15, 1981
  • Ethan Haimo (University of Notre Dame)
    "The Spanish Renaissance Music Works of the Josquin-Mouton Generation"
    June 1–18, 1981
  • Bruce Eastwood (University of Kentucky)
    "Planetary Diagrams in Medieval Europe before ca. 1200"
    June 25–July 21, 1981


  • Marie Golla (University of Illinois, Urbana)
    "The Interrelationship of the Arts in Dante's Divine Comedy: The Music"
    July 10–31, 1979
  • Emilie Savage Smith (University of California, Los Angeles)
    "Islamic Geomancy and its Relationship to a Thirteenth-Century Geomantic Device"
    July 16–29, 1979
  • Baptist Stohrer (Rosary College)
    Research on fourteenth-century Sienese culture as it relates to St. Catherine
    September 13–October 28, 1979
  • Osmund Lewry (Oxford, England)
    Research on the Perihermeneias in Urb. lat. 214 ascribed to Robertus de Vulgarbia
    October 1–14, 1979
  • Kathleen Jamieson (University of Maryland)
    Research on Pope Paul VI and the rhetoric of the papacy: letters in the Barberini collection
    March 11–24, 1980
  • Timothy Chasson (Wichita State University)
    "A Mysterious Illustration to Jeremiah in the First Illustrated Tuscan Bible"
    March 1–21, 1980
  • Anthony J. Cárdenas (University of New Mexico)
    "Illustrated Medieval Astronomical Texts and the Libro del saber de astrologia of Alfonso X, el Sabio"
    April 9–22, 1980
  • Thomas Mackay (Brigham Young University)
    "Critical Edition of Bede's Commentary on the Apocalypse"
    April 14–29, 1980
  • William Hale (Northwest Missouri State University)
    "Codicological Study of Vat. lat. 3363 and Boethius' De consolatione philosophiae"
    May 1–26, 1980
  • Thomas F. Coffey (Creighton University)
    "The Homily of Alberic, the Deacon on Saint Scholastica"
    June 1–26, 1980
  • Thomas E. Sheridan (University of Arizona)
    "Survey of the Spanish Colonial Jesuitica Collections and a History of Seri Indians"
    June 1–30, 1980
  • Edmund A. Bowles (Cambridge University)
    "Census and Analysis of Representations of Musical Instruments in Fifteenth-Century Manuscript Illuminations"
    June 4–26, 1980
  • Raphael Bracke (Dumbarton Oaks)
    "Manuscripts of the Vita and Works of Maximus the Confessor"
    June 15–July 15, 1980
  • Clyde Brockett (Christopher Newport College)
    "An Anonymous Eleventh-Century Treatise Epilogus de modorum formulis"
    June 16–30, 1980


  • Claudia Kren (University of Missouri, Columbia)
    "The Physical Astronomy of Aristotle and the Mathematical Models of Ptolemy's Almagest"
    April 13–30, 1979
  • Thomas F. Coffey (Creighton University)
    Research on the Flores rhetorici and Dictaminum radii of Alberic of Monte Cassino
    May 4–26, 1979
  • William Hendrickson (Arizona State University)
    "Critical Edition of the Medieval French Poem: Garin de Monglane"
    June 1–July 17, 1979
  • Ethan Haimo (University of Notre Dame)
    "Edition of the Works of Bartolome de Escobedo in Manuscripts of the Sistine Chapel"
    June 1–16, 1979
  • Joseph F. Kelly (John Carroll University)
    Research on Hiberno-Latin exegetical works of the early mediaeval period
    June 16–July 30, 1979
  • Harry Lincoln (State University of New York, Binghamton)
    "Index of Musical Incipits in Vat. lat. 11953"
    June 1–July 7, 1979
  • Paul E. Szarmach (State University of New York, Binghamton)
    "Edition of Alcuin's Liber de virtutibus et vitiis"
    June 11–July 5, 1979
  • Patricia Gathercole (Roanoke College)
    "Animals in Medieval French Manuscript Illumination"
    June 15–30, 1979
  • Frank Salomon (University of Illinois, Urbana)
    "Survey of Jesuit Sources Relevant to the Ethnohistory of Ecuador"
    June 25–July 12, 1979


  • Dennis Roth (University of Wisconsin)
    Research on Philippine Jesuits
    September 1–October 20, 1977
  • Carolyn Swan (University of Oklahoma)
    "Beginnings of the Novel: Hagiographic Romance and the Esthetics of the Old French Prose Narrative"
    September 16–October 13, 1977
  • John F. Sullivan (Catholic University of America)
    "Search for Original Holy Office Documents on the Breviary of Paris (1736)"
    October 1–22, 1977
  • Hendrik Van der Werf (University of Rocheter)
    Research on Gregorian chant in medieval manuscripts
    October 2–November 25, 1977
  • Betty J. Davis (Arizona State University)
    "Marguerite de Navarre's Heptaméron in Vat. Reg. lat. 929"
    April 8–19, 1978
  • Ernest Burrus (Sacred Heart Church)
    "Cristóbal Cabrera on the Missionary Methods of Vasco de Quiroga"
    May 11–25, 1978
  • Patricia Gathercole (Roanoke College)
    Research on medieval representations of God, nature and disaster in illuminated manuscripts
    June 15–July 11, 1978
  • Richard Hilary (Florida State University)
    "The Humanist Correspondence of Pope Pius II (1458-1464)"
    June 12–26, 1978


  • Judith Stoughton (College of Saint Catherine)
    "Iconography of Selected Sacred Themes in Relation to the History of Religion and Death-Resurrection Imagery"
    September 10–October 26, 1976
  • Joseph Berrigan (University of Georgia)
    "Cataloging of Latin Aesop of the Early Quattrocento"
    September 20–October 13, 1976
  • Daniel Williman (State University of New York, Binghamton)
    "Gathering and Alphabetizing of the dictiones probatoriae of the Burghesiani and Vaticani latini"
    October 1–22, 1976
  • David Clark (Hope College)
    Research on the works of Marcoantonio de Dominis and iconographical traditions
    October 24–November 5, 1976
  • Martin D. Snyder (Duquesne University)
    Research on the life and works of Alessandro Geraldini, Vat. lat. 6940
    December 5–23, 1976
  • Andrew Lewis (University of Western Ontario)
    "Portrayal of French Monarchy in Documents from Different Historical Traditions in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century France"
    January 8–February 16, 1977
  • Charles Speck (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale)
    Research on the De bello Troiano of Dictys Cretensis
    January 11–February 25, 1977
  • Caroline Hibbard (University of Illinois, Urbana)
    Research on the Court of Charles I, 1640-42
    January 15–February 11, 1977
  • Mary Davlin (Rosary College)
    "Style and Spirituality of the Fourteenth-Century English Poem Piers Plowman"
    February 2–26, 1977
  • Despina White (Middle Georgia College)
    "Translation and Edition of the Letters of Patriarch Photios of Constantinople"
    March 14–April 6, 1977
  • Richard Krill (University of Toledo)
    "The Vatican Mythographers"
    April 7–29, 1977
  • William Melczer (Syracuse University)
    "Critical Edition of Leo Hebraeus' Dialoghi d'amore"
    April 18–May 28, 1977
  • Valerie Lagorio (University of Iowa)
    "The Text of Cicero's De inventione in Codex Vat. lat. 11506"
    June 12–July 25, 1977
  • Lawrence Roberts (State University of New York, Binghamton)
    "Views of Human Freedom Held by Minor Philosophers in the Thirteenth Century"
    June 6–27, 1977
  • Eugene J. Crook (Florida State University)
    Research on the Speculum curatorum
    June 1–July 21, 1977
  • Margaret Jennings (Saint Joseph's College)
    "Establishing the Text of Ranulph Higden's Speculum curatorum"
    June 17–July 15, 1977
  • Edith Tatnall (Marquette University)
    Research on the works of Cesare Baronio
    June 15–July 28, 1977